The 50/50 zone

Arielle Shnaidman
2 min readSep 24, 2021
Image by Loic Leray on Unsplash

I’m not very religious, but I appreciate what this time of year signifies in my religion: reflection.

Regardless of your religion, the shift from summer to fall tends to make us reflect.

“What can I improve on?”

“Where do I need to focus in this last quarter?”

“How can I change what’s not working for me?”

2020 and much of this year put many of us through the wringer. Things have been uncertain and sometimes downright scary. Perhaps it’s made you more risk-averse (I’ve certainly felt this at times).

A mentor of mine shared something with me that really moved me — and shook me a bit.

“The greatest learning happens when there’s a 50/50 chance of success or failure. Anything other than that is playing it too safe or just being unnecessarily risky.”

This 50/50 chance of success or failure is the sweet spot for growth.

I’m definitely a creature of habit, and it’s easy for me to continue doing what feels comfortable. What’s comfortable has a very low chance of failure, but an even lower chance of real learning or growth.

This year has put a lot of pressure on many of us. Being unnecessarily risky can hurt our mental, physical, and financial well-being.

But playing it safe is risky too.

We run the risk of stunting our growth, which can also negatively impact our mental, physical, and financial well-being.

As I reflect on the last year and how I want to spend the final stretch of 2021, my intention is to pursue that sweet spot — that 50/50 zone.

In what ways are you pushing yourself too hard? And, in what ways are you not pushing yourself enough?

If you’d like to have a 2-hour coaching session with me, no strings attached, I’d love to have a conversation with you. Book your complimentary session here.



Arielle Shnaidman

Executive coach for CEOs, founders, & leaders. GTM strategist for startups.